API First, New Age
Loan Management Software
Built For Scale
At Synoriq, we're dedicated to elevating your lending experience. Our expert solutions are tailored for banks and NBFCs, setting the stage for a new era in financial services.
Scalability and Security
Super Compliant
100+ APIs
Excellence in Support
Hassle Free Migration
Trusted Among Industry Leaders
Growth catalyst for the lenders
Experience control with Synoriq LMS. Scale with confidence of compliance
₹30,000 Cr.
AUM Managed
12 Lakh+
Loan Accounts Managed
Glimpses of Synoriq LMS
Focus on innovation in customer acquisition - leave the boring loan management to us
New age lending trends
Co-lending/BC and securitization module
FLDG and partner interest payouts
Limit management - multiple loan products against single limit
Structured repayment schedule
BNPL / Supply Chain / Micro Lap / Gold Loans / Salary Advance / Dropline OD / Daily Installment
API first
System generated documents including Statement of Account, Foreclosure Letter, List of Documents
NACH / PDC management
60+ reports
Management dashboards
Automated CKYC reporting
Configurability of appropriation sequence
Ability to define a separate appropriation sequence on NPA
Alerts to customers via SMS, Email and WhatsApp
Bureau reporting
NPA management
DPD (Days Past Due) as per IRAC norms
Auto classification on EOD to SMA-0, SMA-1, SMA-2, sub-standard, doubtful-1, doubtful-2, doubtful-3, Loss
Auto movement of accrued interest to suspended interest
Accounting write-off and write back of accounts
Interest accrual in suspended
Auto percolation of NPA status to linked accounts
NPA upgradation only after all accounts are standard
Voucher accounting - product / scheme / branch level
GST, TDS and Invoicing handling
IndAS compliant
Accounting templates product / asset classification wise
Automated accounting
Automated disbursement through bank integrations
Automatic EMI presentation and response update
PDC / NACH handling
Audit trails for all changes including backdated repayment schedule
2000+ validations