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Collection App


Software suite for collections for task management with payment gateway and LMS integration capabilities

01. Current format Key -- EN - IN

Rupee symbol to be user on frontend can be changed through admin portal

02. Current format  -- INR

Rupee symbol to be user on frontend can be changed through admin portal

03. Receipt transfer default mode

We can set default value for receipt transfer (Bank or Transfer) via Admin portal

04. Auto allocation default mode

We can set the default value of auto allocation by mentioning Yes/No in the configuration value column for the same

05. Online collection default limit

Collection limit for any UPI/NEFT/wallet transactions.

06. Update mobile number field at create receipt

If a client wants to use the add or update contact feature at the time of receipt generation then we can set this configuration to true or false

07. Receipt transfer sender image mandate

Set true or false to mandate the image upload field while creating receipt.

08. Followup photos count max

By this configuration we can configure the maximum numbers of images to be captured while creating follow ups.

09. Cheque collection default limit

Collection limit for any Cheque transactions.

10. Followup photos count min

By this configuration, we can configure the minimum numbers of images to be captured while creating follow ups.

11. Force app update version android

By this configuration we can force the user to download the correct version of application

12. Current app version android

To define the correct and current version of application needs to be used by the user

13. Date format

By this configuration we can change the date format throughout the application

14. Payment modes to use at create receipt

List all the payment modes here to enable and disable them at the time of receipt generation for all users

15. Create receipt selfie with customer image mandate

Set true or false to mandate the image upload field while creating receipt.

16. Receipt transfer receiver approval image mandate

Set true or false to mandate the image upload field while creating receipt

17. Use business date as transaction date

​While generating receipt we have to send the transaction date, now we can set the date as current or business date by true or false in the column

18. Receipt transfer mode read only

We can enable/disable the modes of receipt transfer

19. Thermal printer (If integrated)

To enable thermal receipt printing after creating the receipt.

20. Cheque ocr (If integrated)

To enable cheque OCR service with the help of integration service then we can enable it by setting the value as true

21. Hard binding with device

By this configuration we can force the user to use his/her Id/Account in one device only

22. Mask all customer phone numbers

By this configuration we can show or hide the contact numbers of loan participants

23. Cash collection default limit

Collection limit for any Cash transactions.

24. Per day cash collection customer limit

By this configuration we can set the limit to follow RBI guideline of collecting money more than 2 lakh in cash mode

25. Global Search in all loans

By this configuration we can enable the global search on the header of the application

26. Create receipt payment proof image mandate

Set true or false to mandate the image upload field while creating receipt

27. Backdated receipts

Client can able to generate backdated receipts or not

28. Use business date as receipt trx date

While generating receipt we have to send the transaction date, now we can set the date as current or business date by true or false in the column

29. Add contact popup at create receipt

If a client want to use the add contact feature at the time of receipt generate then we can set this true or false

30. View overdue breakup at create receipt

If auto allocation is yes then we can show the breakup of overdue amount of the respective loan

31. Auto populate mobile number at create receipt

Set true to enable to auto populate the customer mobile number or false to disable the same at create receipt

32. Duplicate receipt time validation

Mention the time in minutes to validate the receipt generate in the past mentioned time

33. Receipt amount allocation validation

​Set the value false to remove the validation for collecting any amount from customer or set true to collect due EMI first then only charges

34. Auto allocation read only

​We can enable/disable the radio button for auto allocation

35. Receipt transfer cancel feature

Set true to enable the cancel receipt transfer button or set false to hide it from the detail view of receipt transfer at sender end

36. Receipt purpose dropdown list

Set the value as all OR set specific charges keys separated by forwards slash for receipt purpose dropdown

35. Payment bank dropdown configuration

Management can now configure which bank account should be visible to on field executives, so users make the deposit in the correct bank account only. This is also a configurable feature

The aspects that set us apart

Check out all the Features of our Collection app and also their
work flows

#1 - Receipt Generation

Instant receipt generation via mobile app and multiple sharing options to share the receipt with the customer. Users will also be able to print a receipt through thermal printers if integrated.

#2 - Adding Follow ups/PTP visit

Users will be able to create Followup/PTP on loans via mobile app. In the coming phase we will be sending alerts to executives and managers for pending visits.

#3 - Receipt transfer/deposit

User will be able to transfer a receipt to a back office/branch manager/cashier through the mobile app or the user can directly deposit the receipt in a bank

#4 - Event based location capturing

We are capturing executive location for each activity he’s performing in the app for e.g creating followup, receipt transfer, receipt generation

#5 - Device Hard-binding

We have developed a feature where 1 user can log in to Synocollect on 1 device at a time, this will reduce fraudulent activities and make it easier to keep track of the user's device. This is a configurable feature.

#6 - Receipt Duplication Validation

There are various scenarios where users hit the action button multiple times knowingly and by mistake, so we have implemented a validation that on the same loan user cannot generate a receipt for the same amount within 10 mins of the previous receipt. The time for this validation is configurable.

#7 - Force app update

Users will not be able to use any old version of the application, if a new version is released and uploaded on play store. We will show a pop up every time the user opens the synocollect app and ask them to update, the user will not be able to do any activities until updated.

#8 - Disable payment mode

We have a configurable feature where the admin can disable any payment mode if needed and can be enabled by the admin portal later.

#9 - Backdated receipt generation

This is a configurable feature that can be managed through the admin portal, if needed the user will be able to generate a receipt on the back date.

#10 - Cheque OCR

If integrated, users won’t have to fill each detail manually while collecting money via cheque. Users just have to take a picture of the cheque received and OCR will fetch the cheque data like Bank name, Bank account number, IFSC code, Bank address and validate if the cheque is genuine or not.

#11 - Thermal Receipt Printing

If integrated, users will be able to print a thermal receipt instantly after receipt generation. This is also a configurable feature and can be enabled or disabled through the admin portal.

#12 - Kafka Events

​As soon as the receipt is authorized in the LMS the cash in hand amount of the collection executive reduces real time.

#13 - Receipt Live status

User will be able to transfer a receipt to a back office/branch manager/cashier through the mobile app or the user can directly deposit the receipt in a bank

#14 - No manual data syncing

No need to sync the data with LMS anymore, all the impacts are done real time.

#15 - Global Search

If you want all users to access all the loans, or you don’t wish to allocate loans to users specifically. You can enable the Global search feature through the admin portal. User will be able to search by loan id or branch for now, but there will be more search criteria in coming phase

#16 - Non stop location access

While using the synocollect app, executives cannot turn off the GPS of the device. In such cases we will throw a pop up that GPS is disabled and that pop up will remain on screen unless GPS is enabled. This restricts the user to perform any activity when the GPS is turned off. In addition to this we are asking for permissions when a user logs in for the first time, and if the user denies the permission he will not be able to login.

#17 - Loan History

If there are any receipts generated or follow up created on a loan, it will be visible in loan history. Users will be able to download and share receipts that were generated in the past by synocollect.

#18 - Executive performance on dashboard

Users will be able to check the collection limits assigned to them for each payment mode, users will be able to check how much collection they have done in each payment mode. Other than that there will be a date filter by which a user can check all the past activities like follow up or number of receipts generated by that user in a particular period.

#19 - Minimize sharing of the build

If there are any developments or changes done in the code, we do not have to create a new build for the same. Changes will be reflected real time on the existing app.
If there are any developments/changes made related to Android then we have to upload a new build on playstore

#20 - Deposition restriction implementation

If user collects an amount in cash or cheque, admin/management can put a restriction on the user to deposit the amount in a particular time period (24 or 48 hrs) if user do not deposit within this time period, we will restrict the user to collect more amount via SynoCollect app. This is a configurable feature and management can also control the time of restriction via admin portal.

#21 - Dashboard refresh button

If there are any changes done in configuration while the user is logged in the SynoCollect application. User do not have to close and reopen the app again, user will simply hit the refresh button and all the configurations will be loaded again right in the app 

Reports that our system provide

Our Collection App provides eight different types of Reports which covers all kind of MIS formats required for your NBFC

COL001 -- Cash In Hand Mis

This report will show amount in hand for each employee according to the payment modes

COL003 -- Follow Up MIS

This report will show amount in hand for each employee according to the payment modes

COL005 -- Activity log Mis

All the activities performed by executives through the mobile app, we are making a log of all the activities and that will be available in this report

COL007 -- Allocated loan MIS

​To keep track of allocated loans, users can refer to this MIS. All the allocated loans who it is allocated to and who made the allocation can be viewed from here.

COL002 -- Daily Collection MIS

The purpose for this report is to keep track of daily collection that is done by field executives using the synocollect application.

COL004 -- Receipt Transfer

The purpose of this report is to show all the transfers and deposits made by executives for the amount they collected on the field.

COL006 -- Additional Contact Details MIS

All the active and updated numbers added through synocollect will be visible in this MIS against the loans it was added in.

COL008 -- Collection Visit MIS

The purpose of this report is to track the number of activities done on the allocated loans, if there is any follow up added or receipt generated on allocated loans will be visible here. 

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